
Radnor is partially open to visitors

As of Wednesday the 5th, the West Parking Lot, at the Visitor Center is open. The Spillway Trail along the dam is open. The restrooms on the East side are open, but that parking lot is closed. The Lake Trail through the woods is open; however you cannot walk the entire portion of Otter Creek Road back to the Visitor Center. Otter Creek Road, along a great portion of the lake is closed to everyone including bicyclists. Significant road damage has occured and 50 trees were down along the trails. The closed areas are marked with barricades and signage. We are working hard to assess the damage and to open as much as is possible.

Special Volunteer Days are scheduled for May 8, May 15, May 22 and June 5 for cleanup and work on the Lake Trail, South Lake and South Cove Trails. If you can help out, meet at the Visitor Center at 8 a.m. or contact steve.ward@tn.gov if you have a group that can help.

Thank you for loving the lake!

This is from Radnor Lake's web site. We will assess the situation this weekend and determine if we will hike next week. If you can volunteer, please do, as we all love this place!

happy hiking!

friday, may 7 & sunday, may 9

we will be meeting at ellington ag center tomorrow at 9:30 AM. come with rain-type gear, as it's muddy. we will take a short hike and just let the gets be outside together. there is no flood damage there, so we are good.

also, as a part of Mother's Day this year, I have committed my day to help out with the flood relief. I would like to offer to watch children for those that would like to volunteer on Sunday or that have been affected by the floods. please email bambinobrigade@gmail.com to let me know if you are interested. if you are interested in HELPING, you can also email me and we will work to get plugged in.

happy hiking!


500 year flood

most that read this blog are in Nashville, so they know just how terrible it is here. I do not feel like I'm being overly dramatic when I say that. Simply driving down the streets I live by, that were not the worst of the affected areas here, was heart breaking. everyone's possessions are lining the road in piles as high as a car. I have not ventured out to the more damaged places, as people with children are not welcome, but I was out in Bellevue Monday getting my sister, nephew and their dog. I still cannot believe all this is happening. what shocked me even more was the inability of the national news to even notice.

I am not one to watch news much. mostly because I cannot stand the way the media portrays things - they stay focused far too long on things that are long over, simply for their "effect," or leaving our the positive stories all together. I choose not to fill my mind with depressing stories, however I did stay glued, off and on, to the WSMV this weekend. watching our dear city go under water was like watching a horrible movie. It was so close. In all this, too, I was unable to reach my mother and sister consistently. It was heart-wrecking!

I could continue writing all about that which has already been written, but what would that do? I want to help. I want to help SO much, but I have two small children with me full time. I cannot head out to sandbag areas or even really clean up - as I cannot really bend down much to help. I can make a small monetary donation, but want to do more. I KNOW the mamas in this community want to help. this entry is not to inspire, but to BE INSPIRED. let's ban together and help Nashville rebuild itself. how can we, as mamas and fellow Nashvillians that may not be able to do the more manual labor, help.

email me your suggestions and we can work together. I know this weekend was planned to be the Mother's Day Peace Parade. What do I want for Mother's Day? to be able to help restore our city - to build community and love - to flourish positive energy and healing, even if the national media never takes a second look!


radnor closed

just received word from one of our brigaders that radnor is closed.

again, if you are in need, please let us know. prayers and loving energy are committed to this cause as we move through this time. we are all here for one another and willing and able to help if anyone is in need!

happy hiking!


wednesday & friday - may 5 & 7

good evening, brigade. I apologize for posting later than usual, but I have been trying to consider the hikes for this week. I am not sure what we, as mamas, can do with little ones in tow, so I am open to suggestions.

in response to the disaster this week, we will be canceling our wednesday hike. I am still considered the friday hike, as I know many of our elder children will need to get out and will have cabin fever. I will post about friday by wednesday.

if you are in need, please let us know - bambinobrigade@gmail.com. I think this may be the best way WE can help. if someone in the brigade needs help PLEASE REACH OUT. this is what our community is for!

happy hiking!