
hike report - wednesday, march 24 & 26

This week we had a beautiful wednesday! we had 18 mamas and 19 bambinos! pretty impressive. I am eager to see how we continue to blossom into spring! we ended up in multiple groups so here's a few reports from a few different mamas this week.

we hiked ganier ridge then split off into two smaller groups. after we split I would say that we had an interesting conversation about love and spirituality. then some of the babies hung out on a blanket and fought over water bottles and keys. beautiful hike today.

we had six moms and six babes hike Ganier ridge on this beautiful day! we all enjoyed seeing the many turtles sunning on the shoreline along the lake, and we even noticed a beaver-chewed a tree stump. on a personal note, liz got lucky at the lost and found and retrieved charlie's cubs hat (hooray!). on the way back to the parking lot, we took south lake trail and a few moms even nursed while hiking at the same time. the conversations, as always, were wonderful and much needed. thank goodness for the beautiful weather we got!

wow! our biggest group ever! 18 mamas and 19 bambinos climbed ganier ridge. We naturally fell into 3 different groups of 5-7 hikers each. the trails are starting to get green! the group I was in hiked ganier ridge and then the lake trail and stopped at the ranger station on the west entrance (a bambino hat lost last week was turned it- thank you to whomever picked it up and turned it in). we then headed back to the lake and on to south lake trail. turtles are coming up out of the water and line the fallen limbs to sunbathe now. spring is here! a few mamas decided to get lunch afterward at zoes in brentwood. it was simply a beautiful day!

friday fun day was canceled this week due to cold and wet weather. it's been too long for coats and gloves. a few of us opted to meet up later in the day and spent some time in the beautiful sun at one member's home. it actually turned out to be a beautiful day!

i have had some realizations this week about our beloved brigade. i have yearned to wrap my hands around this wonderful group and in some way harness the energy, and own part of it. what I learned was that this group of mamas and babies is so organic - so naturally occurring - that it cannot be grasped. it can only be ingested; it can only be absorbed by natural means. i had this image that it is much like water - if i try to grasp the water, it slips through my fingers and i am left without; if i gently cup my hand and scoop what is in front of me, i can enjoy and partake. thank you all for being a part of this group. i am grateful for each member and their beautiful contribution to bambino brigade - all that it is and will become with all of our support!

happy hiking!

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